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Shadow Walk

A Journey of Spiritual Discovery and Transformation

Shadow Walk Spiritual Coaching at Eclectic Lyfe-1


Walk Amongst the Shadows

Within each of us lies a hidden realm, a shadowy dimension that holds both our deepest fears and our greatest potential. This is the realm of the shadow self, the repository of our unacknowledged and often repressed aspects. While the shadow can be a source of darkness and self-sabotage, it also holds the key to profound personal growth and spiritual awakening.

Helping you navigate your problems


How do I find out if I have an anxiety disorder?

Enim harum possimus reiciendis quae consequatur perferendis assumenda rerum, Duis eleifend magna in commodo consequat.


Deep Sleep Meditation to Calm an Overactive Mind

Morbi augue purus, ultrices eu orci nec, viverra faucibus justo. Praesent sit amet posuere neque, id malesuada risus. 


Common Signs of Depression in Children

Donec interdum ante id ipsum tristique ornare. Maecenas aliquet venenatis ante, sed porta urna lobortis et.


Tips to Help you Subsist with Depression

Morbi augue purus, ultrices eu orci nec, viverra faucibus justo. Praesent sit amet posuere neque, id malesuada risus. 


Helping Clients Rehab After Discrete or Divorce

Enim harum possimus reiciendis quae consequatur perferendis assumenda rerum, Duis eleifend magna in commodo consequat.


The Prevention and Treatment of Complicated Grief

Integer ac pretium odio. Curabitur vulputate nec lacus a feugiat. Etiam id orci et nulla pharetra tincidunt at eu nunc.


7 Ways to be a more Understanding and Heedful Partner

Donec interdum ante id ipsum tristique ornare. Maecenas aliquet venenatis ante, sed porta urna lobortis et. 


What Effect Does Stress Have on your Profession?

Integer ac pretium odio. Curabitur vulputate nec lacus a feugiat. Etiam id orci et nulla pharetra tincidunt at eu nunc.

Limited Period Offer. Claim Now.
Get a 15-Minutes Complimentary online session.

Morbi augue purus, ultrices eu orci nec, viverra faucibus justo. Praesent sit amet posuere neque, id malesuada risus. Integer ac pretium odio. Curabitur vulputate nec lacus a feugiat. Etiam id orci et nulla pharetra tincidunt at eu nunc.

15-Minutes Complimentary online session

Embrace the Shadow, Unleash Your Potential

The Shadow Walk spiritual life coaching program is an invitation to embark on a transformative journey into the depths of your shadow self. Through a combination of guided exploration, personalized support, and community connection, you will uncover the hidden patterns and beliefs that hold you back, and you will discover the untapped power that lies dormant within.

The Shadow Walk program is designed to help you

Shadow Patter at Eclectic Lyfe

Recognize and understand your shadow patterns

Shadow patterns are the aspects of ourselves that we keep hidden from the world because we believe they are unacceptable or undesirable. These patterns can manifest in our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and they can sabotage our relationships and our happiness.
consciousness at Eclectic Lyfe

Integrate your shadow self into your conscious awareness

Integrating your shadow self into your conscious awareness is a process of accepting and embracing all parts of yourself. It means acknowledging that your shadow patterns are a part of you, and that they are not something to be ashamed of.

Time to Heal at Eclectic Lyfe LLC

Heal from past wounds and traumas

Past wounds and traumas can have a profound impact on our lives. They can lead to emotional pain, physical symptoms, and difficulty forming healthy relationships. Healing from past wounds and traumas is a process that takes time and effort. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but there are some general principles that can help.

Hidden talents at Eclectic Lyfe

Discover your hidden strengths and talents

All of us have hidden strengths and talents. These are the qualities and abilities that we may not be aware of, or that we may not fully appreciate. Discovering your hidden strengths and talents can help you to build confidence, pursue new opportunities, and live a more fulfilling life.
Personal Healing at Eclectic Lyfe LLC

Live a more authentic and fulfilling life

Living an authentic and fulfilling life is about being true to yourself and pursuing your passions. It means living in accordance with your values and beliefs. Living an authentic and fulfilling life is not always easy, but it is worth the effort. When you are living in accordance with your values and beliefs, you will find that you are happier, healthier, and more successful.
Journey through the Shadow Walk Process

Our Shadow Walk coaching program consists of a series of guided sessions, each designed to illuminate a specific aspect of your inner world. Through a combination of shadow exploration exercises, guided meditations, journaling prompts, and personalized guidance, we'll help you uncover hidden truths, release emotional burdens, and cultivate a deeper understanding of your authentic self.

Shadow Walt at Eclectic Lyfe

Basic Coaching Packages

3 Month Plan
  • Once-a-week live coaching sessions (60-90 minutes each) 12 Sessions
  • Personalized support and guidance from experienced spiritual coaches
  • Weekly one-card spiritual message
  • Integration tools and practical tips for integrating spiritual growth into daily life
  • Pre and post-assessment
  • Additional resources such as recommended books, articles, and guided audio meditations
  • 10% off additional services



 6 Month Plan
  • Once-a-week live coaching sessions (60-90 minutes each) 24 Sessions
  • Personalized support and guidance from experienced spiritual coaches
  • Weekly one-card spiritual message
  • Integration tools and practical tips for integrating spiritual growth into daily life
  • Pre and post-assessment
  • Additional resources such as recommended books, articles, and guided audio meditations
  • 15% off additional services


 10 Month Plan


  • Once-a-week live coaching sessions (60-90 minutes each) 40 Sessions
  • Personalized support and guidance from experienced spiritual coaches
  • Weekly one-card spiritual message
  • Integration tools and practical tips for integrating spiritual growth into daily life
  • Pre and post-assessment
  • Additional resources such as recommended books, articles, and guided audio meditations
  • Exclusive access to advanced teachings, guided visualizations, and other resources
  • 20% off additional services